Many businesses deploy UPS units but then ignore them and the environmental risks that can harm them. They “set ‘em and forget ‘em.” It’s easy to understand why - it’s a matter of out of sight/out of mind. UPS units are literally out of sight because … [Read more...]
What’s El Niño Got to Do With It?
What’s El Niño got to do with the crazy weather the U.S. has experienced the first several weeks of 2016? What’s El Niño got in store for the country through spring? How does El Niño impact the network UPS systems? Let’s start at the beginning. … [Read more...]
The Power Over Ethernet And What It Means For UPS
In 2008, there were several forms of Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology being put into practice, including the use of IP security, wireless access points (WAP), VoIP and surveillance cameras. Known as an established form of technology, PoE has … [Read more...]
When New Batteries Aren’t Enough: When Other Factors Are to Blame
What to do with my aging UPS? It’s a question that vexes companies and individuals who rely on equipment-protecting systems to ensure hardware is fully operational and data is readily accessible. But a UPS is often a significant investment that poses … [Read more...]
Redundancy: Not just for the big guys
Power – it’s a funny thing. We rely on it so much to do such fantastic things. But, it’s also a big huge headache when trying to figure out power requirements to meet the growing demands within a company. It usually goes something like this: We have … [Read more...]