Wouldn’t it be great if you could adjust settings and monitor your Smart UPS from your computer or even your phone?
APC thought so, too, which is why they’ve made it easy to do just that (as long as you have the know-how – that’s where we come in!). Listed below are the most commonly utilized APC communication protocols. Depending on your model, you may find one or more of these options available:
USB Port: RJ50-to-USB(A) or USB(A)-to-USB(B)
Networking Port: RJ45-to-RJ45
Serial Port: DB9-to-DB9
EPO connector (Emergency power off)
– Powerchute Business Edition.
– PowerChute Network Shutdown V2.2.4
– PowerChute Network Shutdown V3.0.0
Additional APC Knowledge Base resources:
– SIGNALLING CABLES: Windows XP Software & Cable Compatibility
– USB: How multiple USB devices connect to host devices. USB connectivity schematics
– NETWORK: How do you make a Network Management Card communicate on a network?
– HYPERTERMINAL: Adding External Batteries to an SU, SUM, SURT, or SUA series Smart-UPS
– SERIAL: What are the computer interface port specifications for the 3G Smart-UPS family?